These generations do what many before them couldn’t. Millenials (aka known as Generation Y, born 1980-1995) and iBrains (aka Generation Z, born 1996-2010) combine freedom and bonding, fun and responsibility, convenience and meaning. They buy local, organic products and love international cuisine. They strive for a career and pay attention to inner balance. these generations are changing our society, jobs and markets worldwide.
With their digital communication, purchasing behavior and flexibility, these generations are changing our society, jobs and markets worldwide.
You already know the millennials, but the iBrains – the “selfie generation” – is different. They are digital natives. They don’t know a world without smartphones and social media. The iBrains expect an identical brand experience, whether in the store, online or on their mobile device. For many brands, this is a goal yet to be achieved.
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez