Ein wunderbar kurzes JavaScript-Codefragment, das auf witzige Art und Weise aufmerksam macht auf die einfachen Regeln, die es während der Corona-Pandemie zu befolgen gibt: Maske tragen, Hände waschen, Abstand halten. Bitte weiterverwenden und teilen.
Read moreMarketers: Pay Attention To TikTok
TikTok is the new big social media player. With more than 1 billion users in over 150 countries, marketers worldwide are increasingly using TikTok as a marketing tool to reach out to their young audience.
Read moreHow To Keep Status Update Meetings Short
Status Update Meetings can be daily, bi-weekly or ‘whenever-necessary’ meetings. It’s tantamount that you keep them short and focused. Give every participant 1 to 3 minutes (!not more!) to inform the others about the following:
Read more3 Easy Steps For Successful Planning Meetings
The purpose of a Planning Meeting is to discuss and determine two things: What will be done in a specific timeframe and how it will be done. Here’s how you do it:
Read more3 Easy Steps For Successful Review Meetings
Unlike many of us might think, Review Meetings aren’t about sporting our impeccable work done. Yes, we should demo our results and show our achievements. However, what we mostly want is feedback about the value of the work for our customers. With these three easy steps you’ll ensure a successful Review Meeting.
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